Sunday, September 24, 2006


Ouch, I am damn damn damn hungry. The first few days are always the worse. And it doesn’t help that its promos tomorrow! whee! Good luck everyone for your promos! a wee bit less to the physics people since they end erm 3 days earlier? lol. No matter. Bio rocks. haha. but hey, chem. ownzxzx all. Even though tutorial 13 scared the shit out of me. haha.

oh yea. and sherlock, you just need to study your reactions and conditions before it all becomes clear. ;) sometimes its mindless junk anyway. hey, my chem isnt that good. but i wont say i never study. haha. in case you're interested he just sms me to tell me he nvr study on wed and thurs. lawl.

fasting rocks my socks.

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